
I am running to be the Colorado state senator from District 2 (think Parker and Castle Rock plus) because I believe we can improve so much here in our community.  While we have been suffering from the silly, theatrical politics that seek to frighten and divide us, real progress has been neglected.  Our neighborhoods, our young people, and our seniors will be served when we work to create some real up-grades for our people.

I believe strongly that we should expand passenger rail services here.  We would benefit from varied and affordable housing.  Both of those two pursuits should cause us to demand our fair share of both State and Federal funds.

We must safeguard our children from gun violence in their schools.  This could be achieved by the most common sense of measures.

Speaking of our schools, our District’s children deserve the best.  We should retain and value our most capable teachers.  This also ensures the high level of our property values.

Last but not least, we must move to protect Colorado’s water supply for ourselves and for our children and grandchildren.  Monied interests are giving away our future.  And we must not allow this to continue.

Please let me hear from you on these and other issues.  I am asking to be your voice in Colorado’s Senate, I need your input.  We can find solutions together!

Shamrocks Fellow Democrats Shamrocks

Jason Crow

Fellow Democrats

Jena Griswold

Fellow Democrats